business coaching
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business embodied
There are lots of business coaches, online programs, groups, meetups, books, and on and on and on, all who offer varying degrees of business advice to help entrepreneurs get their businesses off the ground. Even so, within all this business help, rarely are we called to do more than spin out in our heads about (and work relentlessly to produce) the work we are here to deliver in the world. every infomercial ever aired in the middle of the night reminds us: "There has to be a better way!"
I believe there is.
Business Embodied is an approach to developing your business and bringing it into the world that draws from your whole self, allowing you to bring your embodied intuition, wisdom, and experience to bear upon your entrepreneurial endeavors. When we work with and through the body, we are able to move through emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual blocks we may have to moving toward business success - the places we most commonly get stuck when we are working to bring something beautiful and transformative into the world.
Business Embodied integrates Book Yourself Solid®, yoga practice, sacred circle work, and cognitive behavioral techniques to tap into our body wisdom, the collective wisdom of the group we create together, and the universal intelligence to which we are connected. Yoga, in its essence, is about seeking out and removing obstacles to freedom. We will do just that in business and life.
Many of us plateau in our work when we have energetic and emotional blocks to success.
Those blocks show up as resistance, fear, imposter syndrome, and other challenges. I am interested in befriending and working with resistance rather than obliterating it - because it has something to teach us. We will work with these blocks and gently move to dissolve them with love and with care so we can move forward with our sacred work in confidence, clarity, and joy.
We will also do shadow integration work - especially around money and self-promotion, as these areas are often triggers for entrepreneurs who do soul-led work.
Business Embodied is best taken as a full, immersive, 24-hour process over the course of four days. Each workshop takes place from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, and consists of circle work, movement practice integrated with business development work, pathworking (guided meditation), and oracles.
Session 1: Call in Your People
This session will answer the questions:
"Who are my people?"
"What is my magic?"
"How do I show up?"
"How do I talk about what I do?"
By the end of this session, you will have:
- A clear understanding of who you are here on this planet to work with (and who you’re NOT here to work with), where to find them, what they desperately need, and how you uniquely help them solve their problems with your particular special recipe of magic and knowledge.
- A simple and crystal clear way to talk about what you do to anybody who asks so you can not only talk about yourself, but spark relationships and connections with people.
Session 2: Call in Your Money
In this session, you will dig into the deep work of truly claiming your right to be here and your right to have, and will converse with the universe and your soul to claim your money in service to your most beautiful life as you envision it, in service to your sacred work, and in service to the world.
We will work together to create homes for your money - purpose and use for your funds as you open the flow to receive your compensation for your incredibly needed, incredibly valuable work.
We will build a contemplative sales labyrinth, into which you invite your people, where you will walk alongside them, building a relationship, and creating offers to nurture and support them where they are with you as you grow together. In other words: you'll know what you're selling, how much to charge, and how you're going to put your products and services out into the world.
By the end of this session, you will have:
Deep comfort with thinking about, talking about, asking for, receiving, and using money.
A set of offerings to create for your people.
Session 3: Show Up As Your Whole Self
In this session, you will brainstorm and soulstorm to discover the unique way you show up as an expert in your field. Move through and beyond imposter syndrome, let go of limiting beliefs, and design your first (or first few) information products (book, course, or similar) that will resonate with and inspire your people.
By the end of this session, you will have:
- An outline, plan for completion, and initial content for an info product (or set of them).
- A clear plan to make the information product available to your people.
- A personalized sadhana (daily ritual/practice) that honors natural cycles, integrates sacred space, time, and work, and connects body, mind, and spirit. The sadhana will help you honor your promises to yourself so you can complete the production of the information product(s) you design in this session.
Session 4: Offer Your Unique Gifts
Many people who are drawn to sacred work - however that heart-led work may show up - often have challenges with self-promotion, and are afraid to promote themselves for fear of being seen as glib or insincere. In this session, you will learn how to show up as your fully awesome self in the world, and how to authentically and genuinely implement three foundational core self-promotion strategies (Networking, Direct Outreach, and Referral), and decide which, if any, three optional self-promotion strategies you wish to practice to make connections with your people. Optional self-promotion strategies include Speaking, Writing, and Web. The three foundational self-promotion strategies will be integrated into your personal sadhana (daily ritual/practice) to infuse the connections with the power of your intention and focus.
By the end of this session, you will have:
- A list of up to 90 people with whom you want to keep in touch.
- A list of up to 20 people who you don't yet know, but would like to know, and a strategy for reaching out to them to invite them into your circle.
- A personalized sadhana (daily ritual/practice) that honors natural cycles, integrates sacred space, time, and work, and connects body, mind, and spirit. The sadhana will help you honor your promises to yourself so you can maintain your connections with your people every day.
- Clarity and enthusiasm around self-promotion - even if you don’t like doing that now.
What's Included in the Tuition?
- The instruction and connection for each session you select;
- All instructional materials;
- A vegan lunch (specify if you need gluten-free or have other restrictions).
What Should I Bring?
- Yoga mat (if you don’t have one, let me know because I have a couple extras)
- Yoga blocks (if you need them)
- A small blanket
- A small meditation cushion or pillow
- A journal
- A stack of 200 index cards
- A pen you love to write with.
I will supply any other things we might need.
How Can I Sign Up?
If Business Embodied seems like the right fit for you, you can register at Eventbrite (scroll to the bottom of the page for event listings) for scheduled sessions. If no sessions are available, or you'd like to have the program brought to you, fill out this survey to share your interest in bringing an event to your area, or your interest in participating online.
If you have any questions about this offering, please connect with me at sarai at - looking forward to engaging with you on bringing your beautiful work into the world in a way that sustains the life you want to live!
Burned out to In-Business
Information coming soon
Book Yourself Solid®
Information coming soon